sábado, 30 de novembro de 2013


It´s stupid you know.
You see your own smile and on that exact moment you feel good, you really love yourself. 

The worst part is that you know that you only smiled like that because someone from the other side of the world, that is totally different from everyone that you ever knew, made you smile. 
He is so funny, so simple and so himself. You see in him all the natural world, you see what you would like that everyone was. He just feels, he really don´t think much, he just do.

 And I know that your smile, your expressions and your way of being is what is missing me. Not because I am not like you but because I miss someone that is a bit like me.
 You are. And for once in my life I wanted to have someone like me close to me, just to feel that is ok to be this way, just to feel a little happier. 

In the end I know that you are not so happy as you pretend, just like me. 
You don´t have nothing that holds you down, just like me.
We feel good everywhere, because our hearts are still in our chests.

Just a little bit of me wished to enter in a life movie where you will come to England to live, I will visit you there and in a country that I totally hate where nothing tells me anything I fall in love with you and that makes me think that I can survive everywhere if you are there with me.
Just like the movies.
Just like the stories that I never believed.
Just like a dream that somehow never catches me.
Just like that... romantically ridiculous but true.


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